What to do if our iPhone (or other smartphone) falls into the water or is wet?

A smartphone like the iPhone is a device that usually always accompanies us and therefore is exposed to a lot of risks that can endanger your life. A fall to water or any other liquid is one of these risks and, unfortunately, the premature death of this type of device for this reason is quite common.

It is true that with the passage of generations, the Apple iPhone offer greater resistance to accidental spills and even to dives under water. In the case of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, the company guarantees that the device offers IP67 resistance, but even so, in the small print, they report that this resistance is losing effectiveness over time (just like with watches and other devices). "Waterproof") due to the deterioration suffered by the materials that convert the smartphone is tight. That is why, although we have a next-generation iPhone or any other smartphone "waterproof", we must be careful and whenever possible to keep it well away from water or any other liquid (especially if they are corrosive as alcohol or many Cleaning products).


The reasons that can lead our iPhone to get wet or fall into the water are very varied: from an unexpected dip in a pool, to an accident with the toilet or a glass spilled in the most inopportune place. Luckily, in some cases it is possible to save the device and then we describe a series of steps that we must take to try to avoid damaging a smartphone in case it falls into the water or gets wet .
Wet iPhone, what is the first thing we should do?
The first thing we must do if our iPhone (or any other mobile or tablet) falls into the water or gets wet is to stay calm. The evil is already done, so better to act calmly and trying to follow the instructions to try to save the life of the device. Once we have this clear, the first thing we must do is, as is logical, remove the iPhone from the water or the liquid that is wetting it ; something that surely we will have already done instinctively.
Once we remove it from the water, the next step is to turn off the device completely . To do this we keep pressing the top button (or side in the case of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus) until we see the sliding menu appear with the instruction to turn off. Once the mentioned menu appears, we turn off the terminal completely.
Now we must start to dry the terminal with whatever we have at hand (a shirt, a cloth, a sock, a towel, what to use is the least, we simply need something to absorb the liquid). To dry it better it is advisable to remove any case or casing that the device might have. It is also advisable to use an ear swab to clean all the openings: SIM card slot (it is recommended to remove the SIM tray), headphone jack, lightning connector socket, etc, etc ... It is important to be very meticulous to the time to dry it and make sure to remove all possible moisture manually.

Once we have eliminated all possible water, we move on to the next step: put the iPhone inside an airtight bag filled with rice . Many people are shocked to hear this, but rice is a great moisture absorber and if we leave it long enough it is able to remove much of the water that may be inside the device.


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